Thursday, June 10, 2010

Final thoughts on Histoires Petite Pomme

Upon reflection, Histoires Petite Pomme came together well, despite organizational setbacks.
I cannot help but wonder what kind of a result we could have produced if Camilla, Simon and myself had began working on the film earlier, but that's all hindsight now!
From day one we did have set back, like Simon's absense at the beginning of the year, but overall everything ran okay.

Tiny details and fine tuning are now evident in my film, and require further editing, but this is all learning, and i can now use Histoires as a reference for future expeditions in the land of digital media!

I am glad we explored the texture/cut out/ collage style, because the film we produced was different to the rest of the class, and therefore added a different element to the viewings. I really feel i developed my skills in art design, perspective, screen shots and photoshop during this semester, and now have the confidence to apply this knowledge to future works. In particular the use of Premiere will be useful, as i have sat through a few online tutorials and now have a sound knowledge of how to use it (though more training would always be nice).

I think Histoires Petite Pomme did communicate the story well, and made people laugh, which was one of NICE PEAR STUDIOS key visions/business aims. I also think the use of tools like the old cinema introduction to establish the story, and draw the audience into the film was a successful aspect of the animation, and the song "i think i like u too" by French Band "Jamaica" really worked well with the pace of the film. THe soundtrack and the film worked well together, particularly in the "Monsieur Banane" tension final shot, when the music reflected this tension in the bridge. Key scene changes also occcured at the chorus transitions,(the "a short time later and cow leaf church scene" and obvious instrumental standouts (for example, the chunky base line at the beginning cueing the curtain the raise).

I think timing wise, it could be even more fine tuned, but the key ideas to time it with the song worked well.

Overall, although it's not a block buster, Histoires Petite Pomme is something i am proud of, and love sharing with my friends, to show off the cool stuff i do at University!!!!

Anyway, without further ado, i thank you fabulous readers (all three of you) for keeping in touch with my progress. I would also like to thank Josh and Lisa for you help throughout the semester, and your understanding of how different groups work!!!!!! And just incase you havent seen the film, here's the link to it on Premiere.

Histoires Petite Pomme from Jonathon Hyde-Neary on Vimeo.

Jonathon Hyde-Neary

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Histoires Petite Pomme's Premiere on facebook and Vimeo!

Now the world can have the Histoires Petite Pomme experience in their own living room/office/ bedroom etc!
Excited to show everyone our hard work..............
Jonathon Hyde Neary

Histoires Petite Pomme from Jonathon Hyde-Neary on Vimeo.

Digital Media III

Well, how do i sum up this course?
Firstly, i went inot the course wilth only basic understandings in Adobe Photshop, and no experience with Flash or Premiere.
Currently, I can safely say I have a sound basis of understanding of the programs, in completion of the course. It's great to have this knowledge to build on, and it will really aid my presentations and future displays of any media in the course.
It's great to work on an animation, and see it come to life. The animations i'm proudest of are the leaf church animation, and bird flying past the tree animation in our final submission of HISTOIRES PETITE POMME.

It was a challenging course, and my skill levels did hinder the final submission in comparison to the rest of the class, and at times prevented me from starting assignments due to a lack of belief in my own ability. But the lecturers, Josh and Lisa, helped me overcome this, and did a fabulous job at teaching the class.
Problems began with our assignments from day one, with Simon being overseas for the first three assignments. But Camilla and I overcame this, and we eventually got on track.
Throughout the semester, we hads problems with organization, and regular group meetings due to busy schedules and other assignments, which lead to a final dash to complete our final submission in two weeks! But we eventually produced a short animation of what i, and the rest of the group are proud of, and we surprised ourselves with the ability we actully had!
A special mention to Camilla, and her efforts, as she started the course without the luxury of knowing how to use photoshop. Well done! Simon also did extremely well, considering his personal circumstances outside of the course. We were and odd group, none of us standouts with our abilities, so the final animation is great to see. Well done guys.

Organization is a must for this course, although I did not adhere to this all the way through, which lead to almost 4 days of no sleep! As you would imagine, i was not very well, and Josh saw the state of me (i could barely talk), and Lisa got a phone call from a very dazed and confused Jonno. And to think, i drove home!
So out of this, if I have left being able to do basic in animation, and have learnt a valuable lesson about the effect of sleep deprivation on one's health and well being. DO NOT EVER STAY AWAKE FOR 3 DAYS. IT IS NOT PRETTY. Although i did get a few comments on how good my hair looked, considering the circumstances.....bonus points tp the issuers of those comments.

The Lecturers and Tutors.
The course was enhanced by the Lecturers and tutors. Without them, the course would have been totally different!

Lisa was great, and is a credit to the school of design. Her endless willingness to help students out of hours, and her knowledge makes her a great teacher in the making. I am proud to say that we have studied together before, and she is still the most intelligent student i know.

Josh was also outstanding, and has a wealth of knowledge to offer students. He is the most chilled out teacher at the school of design, and really engages with the students in the class. He makes university a fun and engaging place, and i was excited about this subject because of the atmosphere created by both Josh and Lisa.
(I am not writing this as a suck up, and all my words are in honest reflection).

Improvements could be made in a more comprehensive run through of how to use Premiere closer to the date of film submission, as what i learnt did not support a confident use of the program, which proved to throw 12 hours of problems at me prior to submission.
It could also have a more specified pre-requisite description for students who do not know how to use the programs.

But overall, even though I'm not expecting a High destinction for the course, personally i have learnt a wealth of knowledge in animation, digtal media and group work, of which i will be able to build upon in future subjects and assignments.
Thankyou to the lecturers and all of my three blog followers!

Cheers, Jonathon Hyde-Neary.


Hey guys, please come and check out Nice Pear Studios film premiere of Histoires Petite Pomme.
Our film will be shown at 1pm in the Forum Lecture theatre, Adelaide uni at 1pm.
Please come and check it out, it was almost the death of me over the past two weeks!!!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Final cut

Im so surprised the human body can function for three days without sleep!
But if you saw me on tuesday morning, that is most certainly the result of sleep deprivation. Couldnt talk, walk or even function!
But the main thing is we had the movie Histoires Petite Pomme ready to role!
Although improvement could be made to various aspects, it did come together quite well.
The final cut will be added to our facebook page at some stage this week, so look out for it!!!!

Anyway, keep watching out for more details on the premiere of Histoires Petite Pomme, tomorrow afternoon at 2pm.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Church shot

Nice Pear Studios just completed the shot of the church before the wedding!
The link will be posted soon. In this scene you will see a cow's head move, and a leaf fall of the tree and float into the camera shot!

The link will be posted soon from facebook and vimeo.
Keeping you tuned in with the progress.

here's the link to my animation, added to simon's vimeo account.


Friday, June 4, 2010


Naughty Miss Pomme has been flirting on the tree again.....

Who knew an apple could be so seductive?!

So the animations are churning full steam ahead!!!!

Watch this space, videos coming soon.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

DORMENT BUT ALMOST READY FOR THE STORM! Screen shots and link to animation.

Good morning friends and followers, on this fine winter Friday.
The countdown has begun until the premier of HISTOIRES PETITE POMME, and boy have we been working!
All other major assignments for the other subject have almost been completed, so it's full stream ahead with this film!
So far i have animated a bird flying through the sky, and hooligan strawberry on a bike, riding past a hopsital, a love ketter scene and updated key backgrounds!

Looking forward to final submission.
Check out the latest video on:!/video/video.php?v=430040535498&oid=102916273080199

here are some screen stills to give you an idea of the film!!

The theatre in the opening shot.

Tree scene, with bird flying past and apples action on the right hand side.

Miss Pomme inundated with love letters from Mr Apple.

Mr Banana's angry glance at Mr Apple's and Miss Pomme's wedding.....why could he be angry?

Hooligan strawberry rining past the "HOSPITAL DE PARIS".

Dr cucumber, shocked by the baby he just delivered and nervous about the up and coming commotion.

Mr Pomme see's the baby thas not his.
Devastation. The truth is exposed. :(Miss Pomme, "oops! what should i do!?"


Jonathon Hyde-Neary (aka Clive)